Monday, June 22, 2020

Day 3369 - Battle for Azeroth Day 667

After sending 3 of the Horde character before the daily reset on Rotfeaster, I decided to actually camp the mob with more vigor.  I also catched up on some of the show I'm behind this season.  On the very last character I have on the Alliance side, the Death Knight managed to snag it.  36 attempts.

After that amount of camping, I decided to finish up some really old quests on my main.  Turns out, I never finished the original mechanical chicken escort quest.  I already found the chicken in Tanaris, just never escort it.  Blizzard have thankfully simplified the escort portion of the questline, so that part is relatively painless.  Feralas beacon was also located quickly.  It's the Hinterland beacon that requires lots of help.

I also ran the horde hunter through her final legs of cloak upgrade to level 15.  She still have a ways to go on the research.

Finally, I tried to finished up the leatherworking quest on the 2nd hunter.  She got all but the expulsom and the world quest rare mobs. 

128/91/72 110 mg/DL 249lb

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