Finishing up the raid week, and all I did are the Tanaan Jungle dailies and naval missions. The gold nerf in garrison mission really hits me, monetary wise. It reduces my daily income from the follower mission from about 10k per day down to merely 4-5k. And the naval mission aren't cheap.
113/84/55 96 mg/DL 207lb
A not too serious journal about my online gaming (World of Warcraft and The Old Republic) and Bariatric Surgery.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Monday, June 29, 2015
Day 1775 - Warlords of Draenor Day 226
Continue to grind my main character's reputation. I got through Saberstalkers to revered, so I can stop for a moment and try to figure out how to get Order of the Awakened and Hand of the Prophet faction up more quickly. Both are now at honored, but there's got to be a quicker way.
The guild does a progression run at the second boss in heroic HFC. I don't have enough dps to be included, so I did my own thing.
121/83/57 95 mg/Dl 207.6lb
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Day 1774 - End of Week 251
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I spend the morning getting MRI done on my wrist. I have to held my arm in a very uncomfortable position, and my should hurts for the rest of the morning. Holding it like that for 40 minutes really takes a lot out of you.
On Warcraft front, quit a few of my toons have got enough naval mission done to upgrade the Shipyard, but only my main character have gotten Hands of the Prophet faction to honored, which unlocks battleship. I got to get the other 9 toons that, so my naval mission isn't a total wash.
115/77/55 96 mg/DL 208.6lb
Week to Week -3.2lb
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Day 1773 - Warlords of Draenor Day 224
I took time to do more of the daily portion of the Tanaan Jungle daily quest on my main character. I also go into tank spec to grind out Saberstalkers rep, as they're the only grind centric faction. After one 2 hour session, I'm about 1/2 way through honor.
127/86/62 98 mg/DL 206.2lb
Friday, June 26, 2015
Day 1772 - Warlords of Draenor Day 223
Spend the day getting the rest of my toons their shipyard. On the raid, we finally got the first boss encounter in Heroic mode. No loot.
102/72/60 97 mg/DL 206.6lb
102/72/60 97 mg/DL 206.6lb
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Day 1771 - Warlords of Draenor Day 222
I had enough time to get 4 of my characters through the initial 6.2 quests to get shipyard. Since I need to do that for all of my characters anyway, might as well get it out of the way.
126/82/73 104 mg/DL 209.6lb
126/82/73 104 mg/DL 209.6lb
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Day 1770 - Warlords of Draenor Day 221
First full day of raiding in the new content. We're short a significant healer, and spend the first 90 minutes wiping to the first boss in Heroic difficulty. We got some ideas on how to do the fight, but our dps and heal isn't quit there.
After wiping for 90 minutes, we decided to end the night by just clearing as much as we can in normal. And with the return of our discipline priest, we clear the first 3 bosses.
113/77/55 97 mg/Dl 207.4lb
After wiping for 90 minutes, we decided to end the night by just clearing as much as we can in normal. And with the return of our discipline priest, we clear the first 3 bosses.
113/77/55 97 mg/Dl 207.4lb
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Day 1769 - Warlords of Draenor Day 220
Patch day. I didn't even get the morning session through, and by the time I got onto the game, one of the most important mod of this expansion, Master Plan isn't working. Without it, my garrison follower mission becomes that much harder to do. Oh I missed Master Plan.
114/80/74 97 mg/DL 206.4lb
114/80/74 97 mg/DL 206.4lb
Monday, June 22, 2015
Day 1768 - Warlords of Draenor Day 219
Tomorrow is a new patch, which means a lot of my mods will cease working. Joy.
114/72/55 92 mg/DL 205.8lb
114/72/55 92 mg/DL 205.8lb
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Day 1767 - End of Week 250
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The summer holiday event started again, and I have some character that can use the scythe transmog staff. So in between doing my normal heroic run, I queue up for the holiday event for my non-tanking characters. My tanks gets instant queue.
117/80/61 86 mg/DL 205.4lb
Week to Week 4.2lb
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Day 1766 - Warlords of Draenor Day 217
Catching up on work, I also catches up on my follower mission. Since I was away for 3 days, I have to ramp up on my gold making missions.
114/78/64 99 mg/DL 204.2lb
114/78/64 99 mg/DL 204.2lb
Friday, June 19, 2015
Day 1765 - Warlords of Draenor Day 216
Finally, I was released. For some reason, I saw my normal physician every morning at 7AM, but the attending physician for my hospitalization is a hit or miss. In this case, I didn't see him until 5PM at which he decided that hospitalization is no longer necessary, but I should continued to take the prescribed antibiotics. Everything feels weird after 3 days of hospitalization.
I finally go online and did a near full run of heroic BRF with the guild.
90/70/60 95 mg/DL 204.8lb
I finally go online and did a near full run of heroic BRF with the guild.
90/70/60 95 mg/DL 204.8lb
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Day 1764 - Warlords of Draenor Day 215
One major annoyance about hospitalization, other than being naked 100% of the time covered only with the hospital gown, is boredom. I can only lay in bed for so long before I have to walk around. Since I'm also hooked up to antibiotic IV drip 6 times a day, I cannot move during those times. They also have to redo the site where the IV hooked up a couple of times, each time more painful. In short, I don't recommend hospitalization unless necessary.
Still no Warcraft, and I'm bored.
Still no Warcraft, and I'm bored.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Day 1763 - Warlords of Draenor Day 214
And now I'm hospitalized again. This is a make up post as I only took my phone charger with me going into the hospital. One of the infected region burst open and I was bleeding/discharging quit a bit. While in ER, and in the midst of my examination, the power goes off, which greatly slowed getting me into the system. Naturally, I didn't get to do any Warcraft gaming. I did warn the raid that I won't be making an appearance.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Day 1762 - Warlords of Draenor Day 213
Last day of the raid week. Still just going through and doing Heroics for money. I also finished off some of my character's garrison quest line, only 4 more characters to go.
Ok, my fever issue did not go away, and the followed up with my normal doctor resulted in changing of the antibiotics. If this keeps up, more drastic measure will be needed.
113/81/80 87 mg/DL 207.2lb
Ok, my fever issue did not go away, and the followed up with my normal doctor resulted in changing of the antibiotics. If this keeps up, more drastic measure will be needed.
113/81/80 87 mg/DL 207.2lb
Monday, June 15, 2015
Day 1761 - Warlords of Draenor Day 212
With the patch coming up soon, I've decided to hold onto some of my followers upgrade tokens. Not sure if they're going to up the item level for the followers yet.
114//76/77 100 mg/DL 209lb
114//76/77 100 mg/DL 209lb
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Day 1760 - End of Week 249
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Continuing to stack up on money, For some reason, some of my character isn't sufficiently geared enough to do 25 men Cataclysm heroics. I gave myself 2 wipe per character. If they cannot do it, I move on.
126/82/73 104 mg/DL 209.6lb
Week to Week -0.4lb
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Day 1759 - Warlords of Draenor Day 210
I think my toons are geared enough to make some money at 25 heroic from Cataclysm. Some of the characters handles this kind of change fine. Some not so (mage). Perhaps I should run the mage through more BRF normal?
My fever on the afternoon continues. So much so I went to see a doctor at Emergency Care. Guess I have a serious infection going on.
144/89 89 115 mg/DL 209.2lb
My fever on the afternoon continues. So much so I went to see a doctor at Emergency Care. Guess I have a serious infection going on.
144/89 89 115 mg/DL 209.2lb
Friday, June 12, 2015
Day 1758 - Warlords of Draenor Day 209
We finish as much as we can, given the sheer number of absentee.
On my health front, I've developed a fever at 102.4. Not good.
131/92/70 115 mg/DL 208.8 lb
On my health front, I've developed a fever at 102.4. Not good.
131/92/70 115 mg/DL 208.8 lb
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Day 1757 - Warlords of Draenor Day 208
After Blackhand was dealt with, the guild went back to the rest of Blackrock Foundry. I'm currently gearing up my hunter nicely, albeit, still trying to learn Beast Master spec.
96/68/54 95 mg/DL 207.8lb
96/68/54 95 mg/DL 207.8lb
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Day 1756 - Warlords of Draenor Day 207
The guild tried to do Blackhand right off the raid reset. My dps is not high enough so I end up finishing as much of the Garrison support mission.
I'm also not getting a lot of sleep.
136/86/71 113 mg/DL 208.2lb
I'm also not getting a lot of sleep.
136/86/71 113 mg/DL 208.2lb
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Day 1755 - Warlords of Draenor Day 206
Spend the day going through Demon Soul raid. I go as far as I can go through without trying Spine of Deathwing. Since I'm not farming for mount, I'm just doing this for money, and stop at right boss.
113/74/57 106 mg/DL 209.6lb
113/74/57 106 mg/DL 209.6lb
Monday, June 8, 2015
Day 1754 - Warlords of Draenor Day 205
I gave my rogue one try at doing Heroic 25 Fireland. I tried and failed to get through the second boss. So Fireland is strictly my character with tank spec for now.
113/74/57 106 mg/DL 209.6lb
113/74/57 106 mg/DL 209.6lb
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Day 1753 - End of Week 248
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I decided to get my toons through some of the Heroic 25 man raid to make some money. Blackwing Descent is easy enough for all of my toons to get through.
119/82/72 104 mg/DL 29.2lb
Week to Week 1.6lb
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Day 1752 - Warlords of Draenor Day 203
I was way too tired to do much of anything. What I did is just buy out a stage 4 trinket for my druid (instead of going through the trouble of building the upgrade material).
121/81/75 97 mg/DL 208.2lb
Friday, June 5, 2015
Day 1751 - Warlords of Draenor Day 202
My warrior got through one wing of BRF and got 1 piece of dps weapon and one tanking ring. A good night.
131/81/51 94 mg/DL 208lb
131/81/51 94 mg/DL 208lb
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Day 1750 - Warlords of Draenor Day 201
We got through most of the other BRF bosses but didn't managed to finish the Maidens who has the gun that my hunter could use.
119/75/71 101 mg/Dl 207.8lb
119/75/71 101 mg/Dl 207.8lb
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Day 1749 - Warlords of Draenor Day 200
Since my paladin's tanking and dps skill isn't quit up to snuff, I was told to bring in a range dps. I brought in hunter. I was able to upgrade my gears quit a bit.
110/73/65 110 mg/DL 208.6lb
110/73/65 110 mg/DL 208.6lb
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Day 1748 - Warlords of Draenor Day 199
My druid got through a couple of BRF normal boss kill and got one piece of upgrade.
122/80/66 96 mg/DL 209.4lb
122/80/66 96 mg/DL 209.4lb
Monday, June 1, 2015
Day 1747 - Warlords of Draenor Day 198
I tweak something that makes me really awkward sitting down. It's really annoying.
My mage gets her chance and got a couple of kills. Only got one piece of armor upgrade.
120/81/72 96 mg/DL 211.8lb
My mage gets her chance and got a couple of kills. Only got one piece of armor upgrade.
120/81/72 96 mg/DL 211.8lb
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