I had a doctor's appointment that went on much longer than I anticipated. So by the time I got home, I was greeted with 20 minutes of wait time to get on Warcraft. So for the first time in 3 months, I did zero world quest, that's on all 4 characters.
The guild is still hurting with less than well rounded attendance, so we limp along with PUG healers. we did clear most of Emerald Nightmare up to Xavius, and had 2 crack at him. Will be back the next day.
108/97/58 84 mg/DL 217.6lb
A not too serious journal about my online gaming (World of Warcraft and The Old Republic) and Bariatric Surgery.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Day 2288 - Legion Day 88
And the beautiful Llothien Prowler is mine. I spend the first part of the day getting the final part of the quest to get the mount. Here's how this look:
And then I spend the rest of the night grinding out the rest of the dailies. I actually have to run the hunter through all of the flight points in Azsuna, since I haven't done any quests there yet. The mission table for selecting the next zone appears to be broken, so I'm going to have to do this the hard way.
125/80/59 88 mg/DL 219.6lb
And then I spend the rest of the night grinding out the rest of the dailies. I actually have to run the hunter through all of the flight points in Azsuna, since I haven't done any quests there yet. The mission table for selecting the next zone appears to be broken, so I'm going to have to do this the hard way.
125/80/59 88 mg/DL 219.6lb
Monday, November 28, 2016
Day 2287 - Legion Day 87
I actually finished leveling the Hunter with 2 zones unvisited, and I'm almost done with the Val'shara zone quest chain. Well, the first thing I do is to go back to Dalaran and pickup the flight whistle and start cranking out the World Quests that I can do. I still need to finish Val'shara, and then the other 2 zones followed by Suramar. Just for funzies, I went ahead and run from Highmountain down to Stormheim and pickup as many of the flight points that I can pickup and run to the weekly World Boss. I did 3 times getting into that accursed room, but I didn't die during the fight. Didn't get any gears.
121/86 /57 86 mg/DL 219.6lb
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Day 2286 - End of Week 323
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I have much better luck with Paladin running through Withered Army training. At long last, I got the quest item to get the fox mount. It will still take a bit of time to get the Champions to run the various quests to get the mount, but I should get it soon enough.
I also started to level the Hunter, going to do Beast Master route this time. By the time I'm done with it, she's level 107 and I haven't even finish the first quest zone Highmountain yet.
118/77/60 82 mg/DL 220.2lb
Week to Week -4.0lb
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Day 2285 - Legion Day 85
I pushed my Demon Hunter enough through Suramar quests that I'm now getting to do the Withered Army training quest. The initial quest went through just fine, but the followed up quest failed utterly when the game disconnected.
133/90/65 85 mg/DL 219.6lb
133/90/65 85 mg/DL 219.6lb
Friday, November 25, 2016
Day 2284 - Legion Day 84
Now that I have 3 max level characters, I actually have to devote quite a bit of time getting my Demon Hunter's various quests done, starting with Class Hall campaign, which unlocks the third relic slot on the weapon. That being done, I can definitely see improvement on my dps.
128/84/64 93 mg/DL 218.6lb
128/84/64 93 mg/DL 218.6lb
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Day 2283 - Legion Day 83
We're definitely not at our best game on the second night of the raid week. We're severily short on healers, and wipe quit a bit. We didn't even down Cenarius. Perhaps next week will be better.
134/87/64 79 mg/DL 217.6lb
134/87/64 79 mg/DL 217.6lb
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Day 2282 - Legion Day 82
New raid week. This being a holiday shorten week, our attendance are kinda of bad. We did get the first 2 bosses of Trial of Valor down as well as the first boss of Emerald Nightmare.
137/95/57 89 mg/'DL 217.6lb
137/95/57 89 mg/'DL 217.6lb
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Day 2281 - Legion Day 81
I've not been getting quality sleep, so I tried to get to bed as early as possible, and try not to drink any caffeinated drink after diner. This kinda help. Of course, coming to the last day of the raid week, I realized that I haven't complete the week's Suramar quest. I have to finish that up.
134/92/68 83 mg/DL 216.8lb
134/92/68 83 mg/DL 216.8lb
Monday, November 21, 2016
Day 2280 - Legion Day 80
I ran 3 of my level 110 through a couple of the Wrath raids to get the pet. When it comes down to just 3 more pets, I just decided to buy the remainder and be done with the achievement. After that, I managed to get the final pet, Stardust by battling Algalon outside of Ulduar. It's a very pretty pet, with some interesting idle movement.
145/97/64 87 mg/DL 217lb
145/97/64 87 mg/DL 217lb
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Day 2279 - End of Week 322
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After 1 week, and I'm running my Demon Hunter through as much of World Quest as I can. I'm currently beyond the help of heroic dungeons, so I'm just trying to hit iLevel 825 to get into LFR.
139/99/64 84 mg/DL 216.2lb
Week to Week 3.8lb
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Day 2278 - Legion Day 78
I got the same shoulder on my Death Knight as my Paladin. This character has an Legendary in that slot.
141/104/61 80 mg/DL 217.6lb
141/104/61 80 mg/DL 217.6lb
Friday, November 18, 2016
Day 2277 - Legion Day 77
I got a iLevel 860 shoulder, which is not an upgrade for that slot from the World Boss.
125/84/62 79 mg/DL 218.8lb
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Day 2276 - Legion Day 76
The second night of raiding have us finish Emerald Nightmare. No gears.
135/91/66 79 mg/DL 217.6
135/91/66 79 mg/DL 217.6
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Day 2275 - Legion Day 75
We got the first 2 boss of Trial of Valor, not getting anything useful. Afterward I went ahead do the first boss in Heroic Emerald Nightmare in preparation to do the rest of the bosses.
124/80/59 96 mg/DL 216.4lb
124/80/59 96 mg/DL 216.4lb
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Day 2274 - Legion Day 74
I'm now on a low caffeine regiment, as in zero. The few cups of coffee I'm drink over the weekend is not doing me any favor.
138/94/59 86 mg/DL 217.6lb
138/94/59 86 mg/DL 217.6lb
Monday, November 14, 2016
Day 2273 - Legion Day 73
I'm still trying to figure out how to use the stupid legendary ring is supposed to work with my current spec.
138/82/58 87 mg/DL 220.4lb
138/82/58 87 mg/DL 220.4lb
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Day 2273 - End of Week 321
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11-13-2016 Front |
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11-13-2016 Side |
My Demon Hunter level 110 and immediatly got a lot of work to do. I ding that 1/2 through Highmountain storyline quests. I'll have to go back and finish them, but for now, I have to run through all 3 emissary quest that's available.
129/91/59 82 mg/DL 220lb
Week to Week 0.6lb
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Day 2272 - Legion Day 72
I got into a Kara run as a tank. It's quite a bit harder to do that.
136/85/59 93 mg/DL 218.2lb
136/85/59 93 mg/DL 218.2lb
Friday, November 11, 2016
Day 2271 - Legion Day 71
I had a feeling that I'm going to get another Legendary item when my Paladin open up her Emissary Quest chest. And sure enough, I got the dreaded Sephuz's Secret ring. I'm not even wearing the legendary necklace, and now I have this?
After finishing that world quest, my headache is gotten so bad, I went to bed and didn't wake up until 4AM.
132/83/57 78 mg/DL 218.2lb
After finishing that world quest, my headache is gotten so bad, I went to bed and didn't wake up until 4AM.
132/83/57 78 mg/DL 218.2lb
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Day 2270 - Legion Day 70
I knew I was in trouble the moment I awake from a very poor night of sleep. My blood pressure meter soon confirm my headache and heart palpitation. I still did my 30 minutes of brisk walk and prepare myself for the follow up with my surgeon. Other than noting my really high blood pressure, he did confirm that my bloodwork seems to be normal.
We got the second boss of the Trial of Valor down. It was a very interesting fight. We spend another 30 minutes on the final encounter and it was also rather interesting.
127/87/67 85 mg/DL 219.4lb
We got the second boss of the Trial of Valor down. It was a very interesting fight. We spend another 30 minutes on the final encounter and it was also rather interesting.
127/87/67 85 mg/DL 219.4lb
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Day 2269 - Legion Day 69
The Trial of Valor opens up, and my guild jumped at it. It was also election night, so the attendance and attention wasn't full. We managed to get Odyn encounter down, and have to call it a night. Unfortunately for me, I stick around and watch the result and end up with a splitting headache.
177/115/77 78 mg/DL 221.4lb
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Day 2268 - Legion Day 68
Continuing what I was doing yesterday, I send more of my toons through the old raid instances for more pets.
121/76/63 80 mg/DL 221.2lb
121/76/63 80 mg/DL 221.2lb
Monday, November 7, 2016
Day 2267 - Legion Day 67
I spend a bit of time going through old Wrath raids to get the pets necessary for the next raid. And I got a couple of them, just not the ones I really wanted.
121/76/63 80 mg/DL 221.2lb
121/76/63 80 mg/DL 221.2lb
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Day 2266 - End of Week 320
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08-07-2010 Side |
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11-06-2016 Front |
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11-06-2016 Side |
I got a strange trinket off from the Jurassic Park world quest. Not sure how good it is.
134/88/55 80 mg/DL 220.6lb
Week to Week 0.0lb
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Day 2265 - Legion Day 65
Just more days at getting artifact power and running emissary quest.
123/85/65 88 mg/DL 219.8lb
123/85/65 88 mg/DL 219.8lb
Friday, November 4, 2016
Day 2264 - Legion Day 65
I have enough time to do 2 runs of Withered Army training. Still no fox hunt invitation or Protection Paladin artifact appearance.
130/88/63 89 mg/DL 219.4lb
130/88/63 89 mg/DL 219.4lb
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Day 2264 - Legion Day 64
We got through Xavius and I got nothing out of him.
Afterward, I signed up in an all melee Kara run, which is more painful than usual since some of the fights are very melee unfriendly. I got a couple of gears there and rearrange my gears to try getting my haste up. My hast is now at 30%, lets hope it helps.
136/90/63 83 mg/DL 220.8
Afterward, I signed up in an all melee Kara run, which is more painful than usual since some of the fights are very melee unfriendly. I got a couple of gears there and rearrange my gears to try getting my haste up. My hast is now at 30%, lets hope it helps.
136/90/63 83 mg/DL 220.8
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Day 2263 - Legion Day 63
New raid week, and I got 1 piece of upgrade that upped my weapon's item level by 1.
116/80/60 85 mg/DL 221lb
116/80/60 85 mg/DL 221lb
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Day 2262 - Legion Day 62
Finally got together a group to do Kara. We managed to do the first 2 bosses, and gotten through the mechanics. I got 2 piece of non-improvement gears.
123/85/53 77 mg/DL 220.8lb
123/85/53 77 mg/DL 220.8lb
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