I finished up the Tools of the Trade for the Alchemist. I had to wait a bit for the Rogue to do her 2 remaining dungeon runs. Fortunately for the Monk, she can queue up as a tank and that went by really quickly. Only the leatherworker characters left.
127/89/59 89 mg/DL 251.8lb
A not too serious journal about my online gaming (World of Warcraft and The Old Republic) and Bariatric Surgery.
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Monday, December 30, 2019
Day 3200 - Battle for Azeroth Day 498
I finished up the Tools of the Trade for the remaining 3 tailors with their runs of the various dungeons. Afterward, I also finished the scribe's run by going to Underrot and run it on normal mode.
117/84/67 89 mg/DL 252lb
117/84/67 89 mg/DL 252lb
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Day 3199 - End of Week 346
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Photobucket is still offline.
The Horde Demon Hunter hits 120, which means a lot of work to gear her up. I even managed to organized a Heroic Warfront.
130/86/68 92 mg/DL 252.8lb
Week to Week -1.6
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Day 3198 - Battle for Azeroth Day 496
The emissary is for 2K gold, so I cannot pass that up.
130/90/66 107 mg/DL 251.4lb
130/90/66 107 mg/DL 251.4lb
Friday, December 27, 2019
Day 3197 - Battle for Azeroth Day 495
I spend a bit of time doing archaeology in Zandalar to finish up the rare artifact hunting there. One of them is for a trinket that will be obsolete. However, I did managed to get all of the toys and pets. With that out of the way, I went about to finish doing the Nighthold Mythic raid on all of the characters. Still no mount.
146/99/68 92 mg/DL 252.8lb
146/99/68 92 mg/DL 252.8lb
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Day 3196 - Battle for Azeroth Day 494
I realize I'm missing one uncageable battle pet from the Horde side. It does require I specifically level one of the companion up to level 20. Unfortunately for me, he's at level 1. Quite a bit of daily grind ahead.
I also did quite a bit of Legion transmog run. And finally cap off the night, I finished off getting the Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron. Good news is that I actually don't need it for the achievement from Uldir.
130/84/59 99 mg/DL 253lb
I also did quite a bit of Legion transmog run. And finally cap off the night, I finished off getting the Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron. Good news is that I actually don't need it for the achievement from Uldir.
130/84/59 99 mg/DL 253lb
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Day 3195 - Battle for Azeroth Day 493
We decided to to not do Christmas dinner in Hilton as we did in the previous years. Instead we went to a sushi restaurant in Pasadena. Interesting enough, the street we park in doesn't have a parking meter. Pasadena is mainly funded by parking meter and parking fine.
131/95/65 93 mg/DL 251.4lb
131/95/65 93 mg/DL 251.4lb
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Day 3194 - Battle for Azeroth Day 492
I actually ran Mythic Freehold twice. Once on M+0 and once on M+4 (the key I got from M+0) on the priest doing Holy spec. No mount.
126/88/71 93 mg/DL 250.8lb
126/88/71 93 mg/DL 250.8lb
Monday, December 23, 2019
Day 3193 - Battle for Azeroth Day 491
Ran 3 characters through Legion Mythic raids to get transmog. The Priest's is almost done.
136/85/64 96 mg/DL 252.2lb
136/85/64 96 mg/DL 252.2lb
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Day 3192 - End of Week 346
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I ran a M+11 Temple. It actually went on time. Hum, PhotoBucket is currently offline, so I guess this will have to do.
136/100/68 92 mg/DL 251.2lb
Week to Week -0.2
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Day 3191 - Battle for Azeroth Day 489
The emissary is for the iLevel 415 equipment. Strangely enough, some of my characters can still use upgrade.
142/101/63 100 mg/DL 252.6lb
142/101/63 100 mg/DL 252.6lb
Friday, December 20, 2019
Day 3190 - Battle for Azeroth Day 488
Just doing the daily pet battle leveling alts and the Frostfire Ridge world boss.
142/95/68 89 mg/DL 252.2lb
142/95/68 89 mg/DL 252.2lb
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Day 3189 - Battle for Azeroth Day 487
Just spend the short time doing the daily world boss over in Frostfire Ridge. No mount, just one pet acquired.
139/91/70 97 mg/DL 250.2lb
139/91/70 97 mg/DL 250.2lb
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Day 3188 - Battle for Azeroth Day 486
I got an upgraded shield off the weekly chest. I mean, it's the exact same shield but 10 iLevel higher. That I'll gladly take. With the removal of the East Kingdom world boss from the schedule, I was able to powered through the Grumpus world boss event faster, even pick up 2 Grumpling battle pet off snow pile.
140/100/63 96 mg/DL 251lb
140/100/63 96 mg/DL 251lb
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Day 3187 - Battle for Azeroth Day 485
Winter Veil event is back. I had enough time to put 13 characters through both world boss, albeit, at this junction. I check, and there doesn't seem to be anything new in the quest reward. If I drop that and just concentrate on the world boss in Draenor, which does drop a BoE mount, I'd spend my time better (the flight from Ironforge to the East Kingdom boss is 4.5 minutes versus the 2.5 minutes for Draenor).
149/97/67 85 mg/DL 250.8lb
149/97/67 85 mg/DL 250.8lb
Monday, December 16, 2019
Day 3186 - Battle for Azeroth Day 484
I finished up all of the characters through the heroic warfront. No upgrades for my main character though.
Afterward, I decided to do the Legion archaeology achievement, This Side Up, which will unlock a whole bunch of tints on Legion Artifact transmog. This will be a rather long slaugh.
And then I looked at the archaeology related toys, and I was able to knock out 3 toys on the druid. This included the very fun Vrykul Drinking Horn. 1 second cooldown and 10 minutes effect.
136/80/64 92 mg/DL 253lb
Afterward, I decided to do the Legion archaeology achievement, This Side Up, which will unlock a whole bunch of tints on Legion Artifact transmog. This will be a rather long slaugh.
And then I looked at the archaeology related toys, and I was able to knock out 3 toys on the druid. This included the very fun Vrykul Drinking Horn. 1 second cooldown and 10 minutes effect.
136/80/64 92 mg/DL 253lb
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Day 3185 - End of Week 345
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I did another sets of characters through the Heroic Warfront. Thus far, all upgrades.
132/98/61 94 mg/DL 251lb
Week to Week 1.2
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Day 3184 - Battle for Azeroth Day 482
I had enough time to put a couple of more characters through Heroic Arathi Highland Warfront. For a change, all of the new pieces are upgrades.
129/88/64 97 mg/DL 252lb
129/88/64 97 mg/DL 252lb
Friday, December 13, 2019
Day 3183 - Battle for Azeroth Day 481
Heroic Arathi came back to town as I finished up the daily pet battles. I got both the new Hunter and Demon Hunter though it. Demon Hunter got a 430 axe upgrade, and the Hunter got a new pants.
127/90/60 94 mg/DL 251.2lb
127/90/60 94 mg/DL 251.2lb
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Day 3182 - Battle for Azeroth Day 480
I have just enough time to do the daily pet battles and then the emissary from yesterday for the 2k gold reward. I also start buying the 32 slot bags on various characters off their own pocket. Thus far, Demon Hunter is done with all of her bags, but we ran out of 6k bags, so I'm going to have to wait for that price to drop again.
130/89/68 97 mg/DL 251lb
130/89/68 97 mg/DL 251lb
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Day 3181 - Battle for Azeroth Day 479
I got another 440 boot off from the weekly Mythic+ chest. This time, it's actually an upgrade for DPS and Tank spec. The daily emissary is for 2k gold, but I have more important things to accomplish, first of which is doing the weekly Mythic+ again. I spend almost an hour doing Mythic+11 dungeon, nowhere near on time, but we did finish it.
After that, it was to finish up the remaining Emerald Nightmare achievements. Fortunately I got a big enough group (and 3 other Demon Hunters) to do all of the achievement and got me another mount.
136/91/69 95 mg/DL 249lb
After that, it was to finish up the remaining Emerald Nightmare achievements. Fortunately I got a big enough group (and 3 other Demon Hunters) to do all of the achievement and got me another mount.
136/91/69 95 mg/DL 249lb
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Day 3180 - Battle for Azeroth Day 478
I tried to get some of the achievements done. It would appear that I still need a lot of people to get some of it done. I did finished the Nighthold. Emerald Nightmare is much more difficult for few people.
149/99/67 87 mg/DL 249.8lb
149/99/67 87 mg/DL 249.8lb
Monday, December 9, 2019
Day 3179 - Battle for Azeroth Day 477
And second times is a charm. I managed to win the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza with the trial character of Hightmountain Druid by the name of Fishmongertw on a role playing realm. The tip works and I was able to secure the heirloom experience boosting ring. Now my leveling characters will advance a bit faster.
With that in hand, I was also able to get the biggest hurdle to Accomplished Angler achievement out of the way. I had a couple of pools of fish I didn't fish in Northrend and 3 wreckage pool in East Kingdom left. Ironically, it was the Bloodsail Wreckages that I did last, capping off in getting the title of Salty.
144/92/64 84 mg/DL 252.4lb
With that in hand, I was also able to get the biggest hurdle to Accomplished Angler achievement out of the way. I had a couple of pools of fish I didn't fish in Northrend and 3 wreckage pool in East Kingdom left. Ironically, it was the Bloodsail Wreckages that I did last, capping off in getting the title of Salty.
144/92/64 84 mg/DL 252.4lb
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Day 3178 - End of Week 344
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Ran another couple of characters through Legion Raids, still got good amount of transmog sets.
148/105/67 87 mg/DL 252.2lb
Week to Week 0.2
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Day 3177 - Battle for Azeroth Day 475
I managed to get quite a few characters through the 3 Mythic raids in Legion and got a good deal of transmog pieces.
137/102/77 94 mg/DL 252.2lb
137/102/77 94 mg/DL 252.2lb
Friday, December 6, 2019
Day 3176 - Battle for Azeroth Day 474
I got a couple of more characters through Legion Mythic raid and managed to pick up quite a few new transmog pieces.
134/100/72 102 mg/DL 251.2lb
134/100/72 102 mg/DL 251.2lb
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Day 3175 - Battle for Azeroth Day 473
I started to do weekly Island Expeditions, which for all of my alts means access to a different essence. I managed to get up to Monk.
126/76/70 90 mg/DL 250.8lb
126/76/70 90 mg/DL 250.8lb
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Day 3174 - Battle for Azeroth Day 472
The weekly Mythic chest didn't give me an upgrade in any spec. I did managed to get this week's Mythic+10 done so I can concentrate on other things. The daily is once again 2K gold. Even though I spend 251K last week on the Nightmare enchant transmog, I still managed to come out ahead in cash flow.
Afterward, I went and did Mythic Nighthold and Tomb of Sargeras. I got a couple of pieces of transmog out of them.
135/87/62 104 mg/DL 251lb
Afterward, I went and did Mythic Nighthold and Tomb of Sargeras. I got a couple of pieces of transmog out of them.
135/87/62 104 mg/DL 251lb
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Day 3173 - Battle for Azeroth Day 471
Once again, the emissary daily is for 2k gold, and I ran all 14 level 120 characters through their paces. I also finished up the weekly Mythical Dungeon run and got the Paladin an upgrade cloak for her tanking set.
136/105/64 91 mg/DL 252.2lb
136/105/64 91 mg/DL 252.2lb
Monday, December 2, 2019
Day 3172 - Battle for Azeroth Day 470
For some reason the fishing contest seem to start at different time on the RP servers. So I'll stick around for both time to see if it start at 1PM or 2PM.
I managed to get the rest of the 120 characters through their War Campaign. Albeit, my remaining characters have already completed everything up to 8.1.5 patch contents.
153/106/76 84 mg/DL 252.6lb
I managed to get the rest of the 120 characters through their War Campaign. Albeit, my remaining characters have already completed everything up to 8.1.5 patch contents.
153/106/76 84 mg/DL 252.6lb
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Day 3171 - End of Week 243
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I got up to the Druid for the War Campaign completeness. Next day should bring about the conclusion of all of the 120 characters.
136/90/62 89 mg/DL 252.4lb
Week to Week 1.4
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