I managed to get all of the characters their shot at Necrotic Wake and all 3 World Bosses.
143/98/66 94 mg/DL 264.0lb
A not too serious journal about my online gaming (World of Warcraft and The Old Republic) and Bariatric Surgery.
I managed to get all of the characters their shot at Necrotic Wake and all 3 World Bosses.
143/98/66 94 mg/DL 264.0lb
08-07-2010 Front |
08-07-2010 Side |
10-30-2022 Front |
10-30-2022 Side |
I finally decided to make bigger change on the action bars for the first time in many years. For a long time, I've been using macro to cram more actions in the 2 bars I mainly uses. Now that I'm not using action bar addons, so I may as well retool it now.
145/99/63 99 mg/DL 264.6lb
As expected, the prepatch took much longer than initially stated (3 PM PDT). I was able to get on at 6:30 PM. Since there's so much changes, I opted to go and disable all mods and slowly turns things back on. I managed to reduced the addons from 148 to about 48. Some of the mods I'd like to use haven't been updated yet, and perhaps they never will. I'll keep an look out on them. At the end of the night, I managed to fix 3 characters out of all of the characters. This is somewhat of manual process. This is what the new UI looks like. I'll probably push the Unit frames closer to the center.
150/110/62 93 mg/DL 261.6lb
Last day of the Shadowlands expansion. I didn't do much. Just waiting for the pre-patch to launch so I can start working on the revamp GUI.
150/110/62 93 mg/DL 261.6lb
I finish sending all characters to The Necrotic Wake. I saw 2 mounts drop. I'm currently at 92 attempt at that mount.
136/101/64 93 mg/DL 262lb
08-07-2010 Front |
08-07-2010 Side |
10-23-2022 Front |
10-23-2022 Side |
It turns out Mage Tower is going away after the pre-patch. Since I've yet to do any of the new ones, I guess it's not happening right now.
139/100/67 94 mg/DL 262lb
I spend the night knocking out the Tower Ranger achievement, which means finding a instance with Claustrophobic torment while not killing off the mobs that's doing it. I end up just going on Holy spec and just heal until I get the achievement.
153/95/64 98 mg/DL 259.2lb
I got the last 2 wings of Torghast done, and with that I got 2 different mounts. I have 1 week to finish up the Mage Tower before the pre-patch.
152/105/62 94 mg/DL 262.2lb
I got Soulforges complete, despite not getting 100% on the first floor. Only Mort'regar and The Upper Reaches left.
146/97/66 94 mg/DL 262lb
I got 2 more wings of Torghast done. 1 of the wing is currently undoable due to the opening power issue. 3 down 3 to go.
134/107/72 103 mg/DL 261.6lb
08-07-2010 Front |
08-07-2010 Side |
10-16-2022 Front |
10-16-2022 Side |
Still doing mage tower. In between wipes, I went out to practice healing on M+15.
153/105/62 96 mg/DL 262lb
With Shadowland ending in 2 weeks, I don't see the point in hard grind much more. I'll try to spend the rest of the time getting some of the achievements done.
125/97/62 99 mg/DL 263.4lb
I had enough time to finished up 2 Horde characters through their weekly. Got bracer and trinket out of the weekly event box.
145/101/62 97 mg/DL 261.2lb
I finished doing the Mythic events on the Alliance side. For a change there were significant amount of upgrade on some of my characers.
152/102/67 97 mg/DL 260.8lb
08-07-2010 Front |
08-07-2010 Side |
10-09-2022 Front |
10-09-2022 Side |
Finished farming The Necrotic Wake on my Alliance side and got 2 more characters done on the Horde side.
153/106/55 108 mg/DL 261lb
First thing I did is to finish the Fated raid of the week. Signed up as healer for Sludgefist, and I manage to one shot it. With that I finished the Fated achievement and the slime cat mount. Here's what it looks like:
152/110/63 95 mg/DL 258.6lb
Spend the night doing mostly the Fated Raid. I finish all but Sludgefist. Now I'll have to find group to do that.
136/106/64 97 mg/DL 258.8lb
I just finish farming for the mount in The Necrotic Wake on a couple of more characters.
149/101/60 97 mg/DL 258.8lb
08-07-2010 Front |
08-07-2010 Side |
10-02-2022 Front |
10-02-2022 Side |
Due to a scheduled commitment, I didn't have as much playing time as usual. I did finish most of the Fated raid with the exception of the Lords of the Dread and The Jailer.
144/104/63 97 mg/DL 262lb