Finished up the LFR and Timewalk dungeons for Death Knight. I did get the same DPS trinket as the Paladin as well as a tanking trinket. Also finished up the weekly reputation quests up to the Druid.
137/97/62 135 mg/DL 270.2lb
A not too serious journal about my online gaming (World of Warcraft and The Old Republic) and Bariatric Surgery.
Finished up the LFR and Timewalk dungeons for Death Knight. I did get the same DPS trinket as the Paladin as well as a tanking trinket. Also finished up the weekly reputation quests up to the Druid.
137/97/62 135 mg/DL 270.2lb
I managed to get a couple of more M+10 done. Still doing mostly tanking. I'm capped on drake crests, but wyrm crest is now available. After doing 3 of them, I was able to go ahead and upgrade the 2 hander. Perhaps I can go ahead and make a tanking sword after I get the right ingredient.
166/105/76 97 mg/DL 268.4lb
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The paladin main have capped the weekly allotment of crests, I decided to give the other characters a shot at LFR. The priest actually did very well healing.
159/107/69 99 mg/DL 270.2lb
Finally finish doing all of the M+ dungeons of Season 3. I'm mostly doing tanking, which means that I'm responsible for the pathing. Thankfully on 2 of those dungeons that I'm not familiar with, I wasn't tanking. I did swapped out my DPS main weapon for better stats.
126/100/65 100 mg/DL 269.2lb
Finished up all of the Superbloom event and now just doing anniversary world boss, at least those that's easily accessible.
128/100/65 100 mg/DL 269.2lb
The 2nd wing of the LFR opened with 2 bosses. Both are ones that required doing the mechanics. No loot.
151/115/64 101 mg/DL 267.2lb
Finish doing more Dawn of the Infinite. I have several piece of gears that I can convert to tier piece. Lets see what the Great Vault brings.
139/91/76 102 mg/DL 268.8lb
After getting all of the character their shot at anniversary world boss, I finally got around to do the M+ on the main character. Since I got a +6 key, I start with that by tanking it. It went fine. I also did the LFR of the first wing. The third boss is significantly difficult for a first wing, but I was doing ok.
149/97/67 93 mg/DL 269.6lb
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Turns out there's quite a few character that I didn't finish the Superbloom event. I also need to finish the weekly seed quests.
145/105/68 98 mg/DL 268.8lb
Finished all of the Superbloom event (which pretty much replaces the Researchers Under Fire event in the Caverns of patch 10.1). Now just doing the storyline campaign on the main character.
The return box for Pixel 5 came and I unrooted the phone and send it back to Google. Lets see how fast I can get the refund.
144/99/66 88 mg/DL 266.6lb
I did story campaign and most of the world quest in Emerald Dream to advance renown past 10 which will help out the rest of the characters.
148/98/63 104 mg/DL 267.6lb
I did a couple of world quests that awards gears.
147/102/64 101 269lb
Forgot to mentioned that I got one of the Super Bloom mount on the 2nd day of the patch. I was a wee busy getting the wild battle pets. Here's Winter Night Dreamsaber.
I also managed to get the 5 dreamseed weekly quest done on all characters. They all reward gears of various quality, but I haven't got around to sort them out yet.
Finally, Ny'alotha Allseer, the mount from the final raid of BFA was up in the BMAH. I spend a bit of time transferring gold to the main character. Fortunately I only have to make 1 bid at 3.41 million gold, which makes it one of the cheaper BMAH mount I've found.
150/98/75 96 mg/DL 269.2lb
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The Pixel 8 phone finally got shipped and I spend a bit of time setting it up. It took me more trouble setting up Google Voice than anything else. In between setting up the new phone, I also send as many of my characters through the 10.2 introductory content as possible, ending with the Super Bloom event.
161/114/71 107 mg/DL 267.6lb
I think it's time to get the rest of my characters to Emerald Dream. But first I top them off in Darkmoon Faire for reputation bonus as well as doing the monthly profession quests. I managed to unlock the faction for 3 more characters. 5 down 8 to go.
145/101/61 101 mg/DL 268.6lb
Day 2 of Patch 10.2. I was able to get the Paladin main up to Renown 7 by just doing the world quests weekly events and Super Bloom. I might as well get the rest of my character through, at least just through enough of the event to get their weekly done.
151/105/64 106 mg/DL 267.6
Good thing I went out of my way to update all of the tier piece transmog. Patch 10.2 disabled all of upgrade from Season 2. Trying something differently, I went ahead and start Death Knight in activities in Emerald Dream in hope of getting to renown 10. However, I got as far as renown 4. I did get the Explore The Emerald Dream achievement, which also completes Dragon Isles Pathfinder. This allows normal flying in Dragon Isles, which is useful for when the Dragonriding mount ran out of energy.
145/100/69 111 mg/DL 269.8lb
Did more legacy raid for mounts and transmogs. No mount but several characters got their transmog.
154/101/66 100 mg/DL 268.2lb
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Blizzcon announced the next 3 expansion, and the preorder's new mount and battle pets are all very interesting. But it's the Warcraft Rumble's associated pet that got my attention. It took me about 30 minutes of squinting on my very tiny phone screen to get through the tutorial. And that's probably the last I'll ever play of that game. Gnomelia Gearheart is supposedly a very good pet for PVP, but for now it's just a cute pet that does a Woohoo when she's summoned. I also finished the new Dragonriding mount's races to get the other transmog set.
145/102/75 118 mg/DL 268.2lb
I got everything new out of Hallow's End event. Although it now turns out the curse and the first attempt of the day only affect the chances of getting mount, which I already have.
141/105/74 102 mg/DL 268.8lb