Monday, December 19, 2022

Day 4205 - Dragonflight Day 55

I took the Sunday and did a bunch of M+, one healing and one tanking the Jade Serpent.  After doing all of the available quests, I did Sabellian reputation grind, ending with the ability to buy the 2nd item to get Loyal Magmammoth.  Here's what it looks like:

As the night draws to a close, I noticed a druid playing friend is still around, so I went and decided to get another mount, Magmashell, which either requires a rare toy, or a healer.  I could've farm for the quest item, but it's only 4000 gold, so buying it off from AH.  After getting the mount, here's what it looks like:

145/94/69 90 mg/DL 263.4lb

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