Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 226 - Skoll and Arcturis

Yesterday was Support Group Tuesday, so I had a long drive home after the meeting.  Didn't help that there was a major accident on my way home delaying my drive.

After running through Fidie through Lost City of Tol'Vir and Kasukabe through The Deadmines, I dusted off Kycilia as she's parked at Skoll's spawn point beneath Temple of Storm.  I gave a cursory tour of all of Skoll's spawn points as well as Arcturis's one spawn point in Grizzly Hills before heading off to Uldum to do the 2 daily quests for reputation points.

Uldum also features a rather large spawn spot for another rare pet Madexx, which is a model used for Horde guild mount, much like Sambas is the Alliance guild mount.  While scanning the spawn point, I was slowly leveling my Shatterhand Warhound and grinding for leather.  Stonecore is the random dungeon that shows up and for a change the group is a competent pick up group.  When we finished that dungeon,  it was late enough for me to go to bed.  I was already at Menethil Harbor to go to eastern part of Northrend as opposed to taking the boat from Stormwind.  As it turns out, the flight is almost as long and just as boring.  Minutes later I reach Storm Peaks and start my scan.  First two spawn points are clear and the spawn point beneath Temple of Storm has a hit.  This is what happened:
Taming Skoll
10 Seconds later, I have my fifth Spirit Beast Skoll:
Skoll at the foot of Temple of Storm in Storm Peaks
I was happy and fly back to Amberpine Lodge and logged out for the night.  This morning before my morning exercise, I logged in to check on Arcturis, since his one and only spawn point is right outside of the Alliance town.  Sure enough he's right there.  And here he is:
Arcturis outside of Amberpine Lodge in Grizzly Hills

2 Spirit Beast tamed in 5 hours.  Now I done with Spirit Beast hunt until the next Spirit Beast.  And to think my first Spirit Beast I tame was only back at March 07 2011 when I accidentally flew over him on my way back to Stormwind.  Now, I'm trying to figure out what else to get.

One thing I don't do is camping.  I will patrol around all of the exotic pet's spawn once or twice onto the next pet's spawn point.  I've never have a exotic pet just spawn while camping.  Another thing I noticed is that timing is important.  All of my exotic pet with the exception of Loque'nahak are tamed at either very late in server time or very early.  Don't dwell on them if you don't see them in the spawn point, just move on and do something else.

11/70/59 212.6lb 91 mg/DL

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