Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 228 - Second Belt, Second Notch

I bought new pants and belt last weekend.  After feeling a bit tight for the first couple of days, I was able able to slip down another notch on Wednesday.  This morning, it actually feel ok to wear it 2 holes in, so here as I sit typing this blog entry, I'm on my second belt after surgery and second hold in.

I did 3.8 MPH again this morning.  Once again, for the first 5 minutes, my left knee feel a bit of pain, and I adjusted my stride and I feel better after.  Not sure if this will hold up, but I really need to buy those knee brace that my doctor have recommended.

I went to support meetings a couple of weeks after my surgery.  For some reason, most of the previous people who were there when I first join have migrated to the longer term support group.  It felt odd that I'm the longest term post surgery person there.  The topic on my last support meeting is vitamin supplements. And I found out that Cedars-Sinai changed their supplement requirement, adding more Calcium and Vitamin D.  Guess I'll have to buy some calcium citrate chewable on my next Costco run.

109/71/65 212.4lb 96 mg/Dl

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