Saturday, May 25, 2024

Day 4759 - Dragonflight Day 559

Finished up the last 3 bosses of Thrones of Thunder.  Now I can mostly avoid them and just concentrate on farming Garrosh for the quest token to buy the missing heirloom gears.  Blizzard also made the change so necklace, rings and trinkets can now be purchased by alts in Remix with 50 bronze.  I started the new hunter with that advantage.  Blizzard also swang the nerf hammer on the frog farmers, greatly reduce their cloak potency and gave everyone except them 40k bonus bronze for just reaching level 70.  I feel I'm going to be leveling a lot of alts just for that free currency to buy transmogs.

On the purchase side, I bought the 50k toy that had eluded me from Timeless Isle.  With that in mind, my daily routine is to make a circle of the Pandaria, tagging every world boss and continue the story campaign so I can get all of the achievement related items.  I also upgraded my gears a bit so I won't hit like a wet noodle.

142/107/79 95 mg/Dl 268lb

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