Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 506 - Glucose Meter

A couple of weeks ago, I got this mail from my medical supply fulfillment company with coupon for a newer glucose meter. Since the machine I'm currently using had wrong kind of test strip (thus, I'm fairly positive that my readings have a low bias), I thought it was a good opportunity to rectified the situation.

I went online and went through their fulfillment forms and got the meters a couple of days later. I also inform my doctor to order me the new test strip for the new machine. Unfortunately, just as my previous order for the previous machine had a mix up, so does this machine. The test strip not only does not work, they are for a completely different generation of meter (it's a drum of test strip).

In total frustration, I dropped off the new machine (with the sample bottle of test strip) off at my doctor's office yesterday. The doctor's office call me back in the afternoon, and I wait and see if the medical supply company can actually get their act together.

109/71/69 168.6lb 79 mg/DL

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