Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day 871 - Mists of Pandarian Day 92

Christmas day.  I spend 2.5 hours away from the house taking my father and brothers to dinner.  I also managed to put ALL of my casters through Molten Core and Blackwing Lair (in the case of my mage, Molten Core twice due to the weekly reset).  I collected enough of the original set to transmute most of the visible part of the Druid's gear to look like tier one, which is quit distinct.

While going through the classic dungeons, I also managed to squeeze all of these characters through both Vault LFR and managed to score some decent gears out of it.  My warlock got a caster wand, so I immediately made the epic fan to go with that.

Surprisingly enough all of my caster except warlock now has the damage over time trinket, and all of them can use it.  Of course, my warlock can really use it.  Well, there's always next week.

114/74/62 87 mg/DL 171.6lb

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