Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 1074 - Mists of Pandarian Day 295

My annual eye exam naturally leave my pupil artificially dilated for a couple of hours.  Reading and working on computer was a bit of a challenge afterward.  But the good news is that my eyes are still good.

Managed to put through 3 toons today on a fresh LFR.  For the toons that basically didn't have any gear upgrade from LFR, I still need to put them through the pace to get their reputation points.   Unfortunately for me, the rogue have to quit the Pinnacle of the Storm (still could've use the upgraded dagger from the first boss there) due to a really bad group.  By contrast, my hunter went through the first LFR with almost no issue.  My mage did managed to get her 4th piece Tier 15 (shoulder) on Pinnacle making her the fifth of my toons to get that.

122/81/60 100 mg/DL 177.6lb

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