I did the usual amount of dailies with the paladin before switching over to the alts on LFR. I decided to go from the bottom of the character select screen and go backward. Good thing that quite a few characters does have either tanking or healing spec. I send in the Demon Hunter and Shaman. Demon Hunter got Abyss Worm mount and a dps trinket off the first boss. She also got the final boss' stat ring off the weekly box. The Shaman got 2 dps relic (one off the weekly box) and tier head piece. In all a rather productive gaming day.
130/90/61 94 mg/DL 228.4lb
A not too serious journal about my online gaming (World of Warcraft and The Old Republic) and Bariatric Surgery.
Friday, June 30, 2017
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Day 2497 - Legion Day 297
We got 2 out of the 3 heroic bosses we faced on our second night of raid. I actually got a tier headpiece which allows me to gear up 2/6 Tier 20 and 2/6 Tier 19. I'm not 3/6 Tier 20, albeit, only one heroic Tier 20.
131/94/81 84 mg/DL 228.4lb
131/94/81 84 mg/DL 228.4lb
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Day 2496 - Legion Day 296
We got the normal Tomb of Sargeras done plus the first boss on heroic in one night. Unlike 2 weeks ago, my box stacking roulette didn't yield any legendary.
Loot wise, I got a heroic cloak off the heroic clear, a trinket off the Naga boss, a helm that no one actually wants, and made it into my tanking set. I also got the tier cloak and shoulder. The shoulder can't replace the legendary ones that's fully upgraded, but it did made it into the tanking set.
After the raid, I ran Mythical Maw of Soul 4 times just to get the weekly mythical dungeon quest done. I got a heroic warforged ring off heroic Kil'Jaeden, which replaces a normal version I got last week. 25 item level upgrade there.
With the opening of LFR, weekly ToS quest token are starting to pop up on the order hall mission. Too bad I got the normal clear done before getting the quest token quest done, but there's always next week.
143/93/60 88 mg/DL 228.6lb
Loot wise, I got a heroic cloak off the heroic clear, a trinket off the Naga boss, a helm that no one actually wants, and made it into my tanking set. I also got the tier cloak and shoulder. The shoulder can't replace the legendary ones that's fully upgraded, but it did made it into the tanking set.
After the raid, I ran Mythical Maw of Soul 4 times just to get the weekly mythical dungeon quest done. I got a heroic warforged ring off heroic Kil'Jaeden, which replaces a normal version I got last week. 25 item level upgrade there.
With the opening of LFR, weekly ToS quest token are starting to pop up on the order hall mission. Too bad I got the normal clear done before getting the quest token quest done, but there's always next week.
143/93/60 88 mg/DL 228.6lb
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Day 2495 - Legion Day 295
I realized that other than the paladin, none of my other characters have done the weekly world boss yet. It's a mad scramble to get all of them their shot at getting something. Alas, nothing dropped.
128/92/84 83 mg/DL 227.8lb
128/92/84 83 mg/DL 227.8lb
Monday, June 26, 2017
Day 2494 - Legion Day 294
I use the mage's itinerary across both major continents to do the weekly pet battle dungeon. Wailing Cavern is still giving me the same pet over, while I got another 4 weeks before I'm done collecting the deterministic pets of Pocket Cannon, Tricorne and Pet Reaper 0.9. The Pocket Cannon cannot be caged, so that'll be my first priority. I have seen Tricorne and Pet Reaper 0.9 on the auction house.
126/80/53 92 mg/DL 228.6lb
126/80/53 92 mg/DL 228.6lb
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Day 2493 - End of Week 262
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Due to prior engagement with relatives' visit, my gaming is somewhat limited. The lunch was definitely too much.
I also decided to start doing the summer holiday event to collect transmog looks as well as the Death Frost weapon illusion. Fortunately, my demon hunter got it on her second try, so I won't have to queue for it this year.
I decided to do the Burning Blossom collection on 2 characters (Paladin and Mage). This should be more than enough for the entire set plus the new toy and the pet.
135/95/55 95 mg/DL 228.6
Week to Week -1.8lb
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Day 2492 - Legion Day 292
Managed to get some gaming done today. Some of my characters are pushing towards their second concordance achievement. Albeit, for my Demon Hunter, that'll be that. For my Druid, she has 4 weapons to level.
139/93/60 88 mg/DL 227.8lb
139/93/60 88 mg/DL 227.8lb
Friday, June 23, 2017
Day 2491 - Legion Day 291
I was totally wipe out physically. Only managed to to get the paladin's emissary and broken shore quest. After dinner, I went straight to bed. Perhaps I'll get more done.
125/86/53 79 mg/DL 225.8lb
125/86/53 79 mg/DL 225.8lb
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Day 2490 - Legion Day 290
And we finished Tomb of Sargeras normal mode. Not that I was of much help on the final boss being dead 1/4 of the run on the final pull. Now my main character's skybox is dominated by Argus.
The new summer event is now on Warcraft, so I need to queue up all of the characters that can quickly queue (healer/tank) and try to get that elusive enchant look...
126/86/55 80 mg/DL 225.8lb
The new summer event is now on Warcraft, so I need to queue up all of the characters that can quickly queue (healer/tank) and try to get that elusive enchant look...
126/86/55 80 mg/DL 225.8lb
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Day 2489 - Legion Day 289
New raid content, Tomb of Sargeras and we got 6/9 bosses down. I didn't get any tier gears, but I did get a new boot.
Open all of the boxes I've been saving. Paladin main got nothing, but my warlock got 2 piece of Legendary, with a class ring and Destruction spec bracer. Very good night for her. Mage got the shield neck, and Death Knight got a new frost spec piece that will allow me to swap out the speed boot. I think I have another character that got 1 more Legendary.
125/77/59 81 mg/DL 226.2lb
Open all of the boxes I've been saving. Paladin main got nothing, but my warlock got 2 piece of Legendary, with a class ring and Destruction spec bracer. Very good night for her. Mage got the shield neck, and Death Knight got a new frost spec piece that will allow me to swap out the speed boot. I think I have another character that got 1 more Legendary.
125/77/59 81 mg/DL 226.2lb
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Day 2488 - Legion Day 288
And I'm done with the AP grind to Concordance on my Paladin. Got the 4th Legion class mount for the character, and now I'll just relax and do the new content.
128/91/58 89 mg/DL 226.6lb
128/91/58 89 mg/DL 226.6lb
Monday, June 19, 2017
Day 2487 - Legion Day 287
Sometime this week, I'm going to start doing Death to Chromie scenario on all 4 possible armor class to get the transmog sets.
124/82/64 84 mg/DL
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Day 2486 - End of Week 261
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I have started trying to learn how to play the different specs. I literally didn't have one of the major spell for Frost Mage on the action bar and I still haven't got a feel of the Destruction Warlock.
The secondary weapon I'm doing for various class are: Frost Mage, Destruction Warlock, Holy Priest, Blood Death Knight, Guardian Druid, Marksman Hunter, Assassination Rogue, Protection Warrior, Brewmaster Monk, Restoration Shaman. Demon Hunter didn't have any choice, they don't have a third spec. So my second spec are tank spec whenever possible and healing spec later.
130/91/58 98 mg/DL 226.8lb
Week to Week 1.8lb
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Day 2485 - Legion Day 285
I got a bit of time to knock out Wailing Cavern weekly pet dungeon event. I didn't get Everling Spore, so that's next week. I also got through the new Deadmines events. The pet from this event is a bit more deterministic, you get an Old Bottle Cap per run, which allows for 3 different pets, or you can buy the pet supply bag and gamble. I'm going to go ahead and save up on the coins and get the pets first.
134/90/60 87 mg/DL 227.2lb
134/90/60 87 mg/DL 227.2lb
Friday, June 16, 2017
Day 2484 - Legion Day 284
The rogue got the Concordance, which means I got another mount. The Death Knight gets different pet on each Concordance, which makes this very expensive sets of mount. Rogue and Paladin gets new mount per Concordance.
130/80/54 86 mg/DL 228.2lb
130/80/54 86 mg/DL 228.2lb
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Day 2483 - Legion Day 283
And the guild's last formal Nighthold comes to an end. I got a warforged dps trinket that I'm probably not going to use. I actually have to spend a bit of time trying to figure out how to unlock the additional traits for Mage's frost artifact. But her frost artifact are well on their way. Perhaps I should spend a bit of time unlocking all of the artifact now so I won't do this again in the future. Right now, my paladin have gotten Concordance on 2 artifact and doing well on the third. Death Knight, Mage, Warlock, Druid, Warrior and Demon Hunter have also finished their first artifact's traits. Some of the class have additional reward for doing this.
127/84/72 89 mg/DL 226lb
127/84/72 89 mg/DL 226lb
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Day 2482 - Legion Day 282
Patch 7.2.5 day. Not the best day for raiding, but since this week is probably the last week we're doing Nighthold raid, we might as well do it today. It's a bit surprising how much we actually got done. We have the last boss left, despite having a 10 minutes system wide outage by Blizzard.
The only mod that got broken is World Quest Group Finder. They'll fix it soon enough.
I decided to open up all of the boxes that was obtained prior to the patch day. Of the ones I've opened, I did get 2 pieces of legendary out of it. My paladin got an AoE chest piece (too bad I'm wearing a Titan Forged tier chest, so it'll be very situational in its usage). The priest got an movement boost boot that I'll probably use in the healing specs.
145/102/62 85 mg/DL 227.8lb
The only mod that got broken is World Quest Group Finder. They'll fix it soon enough.
I decided to open up all of the boxes that was obtained prior to the patch day. Of the ones I've opened, I did get 2 pieces of legendary out of it. My paladin got an AoE chest piece (too bad I'm wearing a Titan Forged tier chest, so it'll be very situational in its usage). The priest got an movement boost boot that I'll probably use in the healing specs.
145/102/62 85 mg/DL 227.8lb
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Day 2481 - Legion Day 281
Last day before patching and as expected, 2 of my characters got their concordance achievement. I bought a magic saucer toy from the mage order hall and it's fun to have non-flying pet now joining you as you fly around. Here's what it looks like:
125/85/56 91 mg/DL 227lb
125/85/56 91 mg/DL 227lb
Monday, June 12, 2017
Day 2480 - Legion Day 280
On a lark, I went and did the Wailing Cavern pet dungeon scenario and kicking myself for not doing this earlier. The weekly event does have a bag that potentially can reward 4 pets. I got 3 off the first bag I got. You can bet I'm coming back for more.
140/88/66 80 mg/DL 227lb
140/88/66 80 mg/DL 227lb
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Day 2479 - End of Week 260
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All my characters are getting closer to getting closer to artifact trait 52. Some of the class have additional reward for getting to that achievement. The Paladin will get concordance to all 3 weapons.
129/88/58 96 mg/DL 227.4lb
Week to Week 0..6lb
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Day 2478 - Legion Day 278
And the warlock got her mount. The final scenario is ok. The mount looks fine.
129/83/54 87 mg/DL 230lb
129/83/54 87 mg/DL 230lb
Friday, June 9, 2017
Day 2477 - Legion Day 277
I got the final 4 characters (except warlock) their class mount. In terms of quest quality, death knight was the best, followed by monk. Some of the quest are a bit boring (warrior is just a straight up tournament). Some have almost nothing to do with the class (priest could've been just another Explorer's League mission). The 2 class that has their class mount during the pre-expansion game did their best to approximate the same feel. That means actually spending money to get the materials for the quest.
The next invasion that I can actually do is not for another 14 hours.
13090/60/85 mg/DL 228.8lb
The next invasion that I can actually do is not for another 14 hours.
13090/60/85 mg/DL 228.8lb
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Day 2476 - Legion Day 276
With patch next week and the new raid content in 2 weeks, we basically cancelled Wednesday raid. That being said, I can really use the time to complete class mounts quests.
I did Mage, Priest, Druid and Hunter mount quest. There are some travelling around for mage and druid. Priest and hunter is basically one instanced quests. I also started the Warlock quest but I missed out on the legion invasion, and the next invasion that'll be on my time will be Friday. That left Warrior, Shaman, and Demon Hunter to complete.
122/80/58 87 mg/DL 227.8lb
I did Mage, Priest, Druid and Hunter mount quest. There are some travelling around for mage and druid. Priest and hunter is basically one instanced quests. I also started the Warlock quest but I missed out on the legion invasion, and the next invasion that'll be on my time will be Friday. That left Warrior, Shaman, and Demon Hunter to complete.
122/80/58 87 mg/DL 227.8lb
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Day 2475 - Legion Day 275
The Broke Shores campaign comes to an end. The last of the weekly quest does take a bit of time (killing 100 demon on Broken Shore), but easily doable in conjunction with doing the world quest. I finished that up on the Paladin before the raid.
The next step is the actual class mount quest. For Paladin, it's actually not that hard. I have to buy a barding off from the auction house. Go to Suramar to get a diamond and then do a scenario to claim the mount. The last part of the scenario was bugged for me, and I have to use the hearthstone to get out of the scenario. But I did get the mount and it's a beautiful one at that. I also picked up the second mount due to my primary artifact weapon being maxed out in artifact traits. Just slightly different color.
The raid itself went as before, and I actually got the dps trinket that I've been farming for for the past couple of months. It's nice to be done with that ordeal.
After the raid was over, I did the same thing on my Death Knight, and her quest does involved quite a bit of travelling. Fortunately, most of it can be done via Death Gate and the portal under Dalaran. The actual scenario was not too hard.
Before calling it a night, I did the Rogue quest. Unlike Paladin and Death Knight, this one does not involve any scenario. I literally have to travel to all 4 of the Horde capital cities and kill one target. Fortunately it was late enough at night for me not to run into any of the opposing faction players (or rather, I didn't interact with them on PVP). Surprisingly enough, I didn't die once. I just have to run far enough from the guards to get out of combat. 3 out of 12 mounts done.
130/87/57 85 mg/DL 226.6lb
The next step is the actual class mount quest. For Paladin, it's actually not that hard. I have to buy a barding off from the auction house. Go to Suramar to get a diamond and then do a scenario to claim the mount. The last part of the scenario was bugged for me, and I have to use the hearthstone to get out of the scenario. But I did get the mount and it's a beautiful one at that. I also picked up the second mount due to my primary artifact weapon being maxed out in artifact traits. Just slightly different color.
The raid itself went as before, and I actually got the dps trinket that I've been farming for for the past couple of months. It's nice to be done with that ordeal.
After the raid was over, I did the same thing on my Death Knight, and her quest does involved quite a bit of travelling. Fortunately, most of it can be done via Death Gate and the portal under Dalaran. The actual scenario was not too hard.
Before calling it a night, I did the Rogue quest. Unlike Paladin and Death Knight, this one does not involve any scenario. I literally have to travel to all 4 of the Horde capital cities and kill one target. Fortunately it was late enough at night for me not to run into any of the opposing faction players (or rather, I didn't interact with them on PVP). Surprisingly enough, I didn't die once. I just have to run far enough from the guards to get out of combat. 3 out of 12 mounts done.
130/87/57 85 mg/DL 226.6lb
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Day 2474 - Legion Day 274
And now I have 3 character at 50 traits and none at 48. The paladin is probably a couple of AP tokens away fro the 55th trait, but the end of the accelerated progression is in sight as Blizzard have capped the artifact knowledge at 40. By the end of the day I should have 40th AK on the paladin.
And the Broken Shores campaign also concludes today, so I should start getting the class mounts. I won't have the time to collect more than just the paladin one, but I have been keeping up with the rest of the classes. It should be a good time.
131/91/60 84 mg/DL 227.6lb
And the Broken Shores campaign also concludes today, so I should start getting the class mounts. I won't have the time to collect more than just the paladin one, but I have been keeping up with the rest of the classes. It should be a good time.
131/91/60 84 mg/DL 227.6lb
Monday, June 5, 2017
Day 2473 - Legion Day 273
I actually managed to get all 12 characters through the Broken Shore, some of them more than once. I now have 9 characters on Artifact trait at 49 and 2 at 50. The Paladin is sitting at 54.
141/91/56 89 mg/DL 227.6lb
141/91/56 89 mg/DL 227.6lb
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Day 2472 - End of Week 259
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All 12 characters are now on Artifact Knowledge 12. I've also use the spreadsheet to properly schedule characters into the rotation.
129/88/58 96 mg/DL 227.4lb
Week to Week 0..6lb
Saturday, June 3, 2017
Day 2471 - Legion Day 271
And now I'm just marking time until 7.2.5 comes out in 2 weeks. In the meantime, I'm saving all of the paragon chests until then.
126/85/57 86 mg/DL 226.4lb
126/85/57 86 mg/DL 226.4lb
Friday, June 2, 2017
Day 2470 - Legion Day 270
As expected, I didn't get much of anything done on Warcraft. I spend most of the evening setting up my replacement phone. It works, and that's pretty much all I can ask for.
132/89/58 79 mg/DL 227.6lb
132/89/58 79 mg/DL 227.6lb
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Day 2469 - Legion Day 269
My guild join another guild's normal Nighthold run and I brought my warrior along. I didn't get anything other than an upgraded tier head piece. Except early on on the run, I decided to replace that slot with the Legendary. I swapped out the tanking belt with one that I picked up on the run.
I also got 3 character their 49th Artifact trait and brought 9 characters through the Broken Shore world quests.
115/75/56 84 mg/DL 228.4
I also got 3 character their 49th Artifact trait and brought 9 characters through the Broken Shore world quests.
115/75/56 84 mg/DL 228.4
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