Monday, October 21, 2019

Day 3130 - Battle for Azeroth Day 428

I managed to finish the secret green painted fish and then hop onto to the future version of Mechagon to finish that achievement.  The remaining fish were not as challenging (the paint only last 3 minutes and have to be reapply).  But the last sets of secret fish (common) took me well over 2 hours in Outland Nagrand floating island.  But it's well worth the trouble.

I realized that I don't have to turn in the quest for the Elite Data Anomaly quest, I just need it to summon the boss.  Hopefully I can continue to summon it to get the drops I need.

And I somehow did Mythic +7 twice on the monk due to the fact I selected the wrong spec.  However, both went through just fine.

115/93/53 89 mg/DL 249.8lb

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