Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 1154 - Mists of Pandarian Day 375

For an end of raid week, I didn't expect much.  I took the 2 toons with the lowest valor point and just queue up remaining LFR and hope for the best.  My mage end up with Tier 16 chest piece, making her the first of my toons with set bonus.  It did break the 4 piece Tier 15, but upgrade is upgrade.

My druid have a more rounded path.  I queue her up for Vale of Eternal Shadow, got a Tier 16 level boots.  I also managed to get a Burden of Eternity which allows me to upgrade to an iLevel 543 boots.  After much determination, I opted to use the Timeless Isle boot.  While finishing up the daily, I also queue up the rest of the Gate of Retribution, and surprisingly enough, there are enough highly geared people around to actually carry the terrible tank that we were stucked with.  I got a caster ring off the first boss, and actually managed to complete that portion of LFR.

121/79/61 90 mg/DL 182lb

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