Sunday, July 1, 2018

Day 2660 - End of Week 262

08-07-2010 Front
08-07-2010 Side

07-01-2018 Front
07-01-2018 Side

Now that the mage tower will remain up until the pre-patch (likely in 2 weeks) I took a looked at all of the remaining mage tower challenges and pick out the ones that I kind of care about.  Thus we have:

Highlord's Return (Kruul) Tank
Guardian Druid
Protection Warrior
Brewmaster Monk
Protection Paladin (Completed)

Thwarting the Twins (Raest),  DPS
Balance Druid
Affliction Warlock (Completed)

An Impossible Foe (Agatha) DPS
Feral Druid
Unholy Death Knight
Outlaw Rogue (Completed)

Closing the Eye (Xylem) DPS
Havoc Demon Hunter

The God-Queen's Fury (Sigryn) DPS
Retribution Paladin (Completed)
Demonology Warlock

The Feltotem's Fall (Tugar) DPS
Destruction Warlock

End of the Risen Threat (Erdris Thorn) Healer

I'm not doing any of the healer mage tower appearances.  The first one I tackled are the ones for Balance and Feral Druid.  I've already done Kruul on my Paladin who significantly overgeared the encounter a couple of months back.  Now with Artifact boost that just went through, my weapon is significantly more powerful than before.  And I do have the proper Legendary to make the Guardian Druid challenge somewhat trivia.  I just have to practiced enough to get it down.

Likewise, I've already completed Agatha on Outlaw Rogue, so I know what's needed to completed.  And once again, with the newly empowered weapon, I didn't even have use Drum of Fury to get this challenge completed.

Now I have to pick and choose what else I want to do next.

1222/93/57 87 mg/DL 290lb
Week to Week -1.6lb

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