Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 1404 - Mists of Pandarian Day 625

Took my DK Tank to Garrosh 25 man attempt.  2 wipes later, I leave.  That group was not happening.

I then signed up my Paladin tank to a normal 10 fresh from the start.  For some reason (it became apparent later) I died rather quickly.  After 3 wipes on the first boss, we got the first boss down and move on to the next boss.  It's at this point where the other tank decided to bail on us and I went out to find another tank, less geared, but with less ego.  After the second boss down (no trinket), the raid leader, who was one of the 3 healers had to leave due to her internet lag issue.  That explains the reason why I was having such issue with dying.  This makes me the raid leader, and my first time leading a 10 man normal.  We quickly down the third boss without too much issue, and only had one wipe on the Sha of Pride.  We gave the next boss 2 shot before calling it a night (it was midnight server time).

I hope I get to pick this up again.

121/78/53 88 mg/DL 189.8lb

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