Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 442 - Adding New Exercise Routine Fails

Two days ago, I decided to add sit-up as part of exercise routine.  I did about 15 of them, and I'm not even trying very hard.  Today, the results are in, I'm not ready for even that amount.  I guess I'll try them again, only take it even more slowly.

Inspired by a post from Erin, here's something similar.  A comparison between a year ago and recently.

October 24 2011 272lb
October 23 2011 171.4lb

I don't quit remember what the temperature back last year around this time was, but it has come to a point where I'm ready to change to winter clothing and break out the heater.

My vision hasn't improved to 20/20 yet, but it's well enough that I can drive safely.  Just don't ask me to go anywhere I haven't been before.  The doctor actually suspend my use of both percocet and the numbing eye-drop.  What I have to take instead is Prenisolone Acetate Ophthalmic Suspension.  Quit a mouthful, but it's basically a steroid based ophthalmic solution design to help assist my current healing and reduce swelling.  The minus side is that I have to take it every 4 waking hours.

121/80/59 168.2lb 76 mg/DL

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