Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 280 - Semi-Ramp Up

In my exercise this morning, I attempt to ramp up the speed to 4.0 MPH. As far as I can tell, my knees (especially the left one) should be able to hold up. However, the rest of my legs can't. Even though I only dial up to 4.0 for about 5 minutes, I am especially taxed at my right shin muscle and left calf muscle. I guess that speed can wait a couple of more weeks. Since I'm only on the current pace of 3.9 MPH for 35 minutes for about a week, it's a bit early to push it. According to the machine, I walked for 2.28 Miles today. Not bad for someone who used to have problem going up and down the stair.

Oh, you can definitely tell that I wasn't awake when I took my blood pressure measurement. Pulse of 48 per minute...

113/74/48 204.2lb 95 mg/DL

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