Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 1102 - Mists of Pandarian Day 323

Paraphrasing John Steinback The best laid schemes of mice and men / Often go awry  I had intended to avoid the northbound 405 due to the on-ramp closure that will persist the next couple of months by taking alternative route.  After mapping out the way, I went on Coldwater Canyon Blvd.  The drive up to Mulholland Drive was boring, but the drive down from the ridge was really really slow.  It wasn't until I was near the bottom of the canyon that I saw the cause, an accident on a 2 lane mountain road.  That added an extra 30 minutes to my drive.  Oh, here's what that drive looks like, time lapse:

Since I didn't have that much time last night, I went ahead and just do heroic scenario, and managed to put 5 of my toons through.  Got useable loot for my mage and warlock, but there are some seriously bad or malicious player out there to give me grief.  Back to normal schedule today.

 123/79/52 91 mg/DL 177lb

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