Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 439 - Lasik Eye Surgery Aftermath First Day

Yesterday morning, I had the lasik eye surgery performed.  The procedure itself is relative straight forward.  I had my eye ball mapped, and then given valium to help with anxiety.  Surprising enough, the only anesthesia I was given were just numbing eye drop (at least those are the only one I recognized)).  I lay upon the operating bed, with my eyelash taped, and my eyelid secured in place.  The doctor put in some sort of fluid and then clean my retina.  The actual laser firing  took 45 seconds as the machine goes through its sequence.  Same thing was performed on the other eye, with the exact same sequence.  Afterward, the doctor place a pair of non-corrective contact lenses to assist in healing process.  I spend less than 30 minutes inside the operating room.

I was given percocet and the same numbing eye drop liquid for pain control.  However, the doctor did advice to rely on ice and percocet more for the pain control.  The pain itself is not as I feared.  I'm not bouncing off the wall, like I had in the pass with tooth ache.  However, I'm not sure if that's due to percocet or not.  The first 4 hours post procedure went fine, if somewhat annoyingly with incidental background pains and discomfort.  However, after my third attempt at trying to catching up on sleeping failed, I awake with more pain, and was adviced by my doctor to go ahead and use percocet with more frequency.  Now, the side effect of percocet finally kicked me in the stomach.  Nausea, dizziness, and wanting to throw up.  All of this is described in the literature.  This is somewhat unexpected.  I've never had percocet before, but I have plenty of experience with codein and codein with Tylenol.  I've never had any of these reactions before.  

I went back to the doctor for an impromptu meeting about an episode of almost uncontrollable tear shedding.  The doctor conform that's normal as part of the recovery.  My recovery appears to be on course.

117/7768 171.4lb 79 mg/DL

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