Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 39 : Company Picnic - Flashback 2 Days Pre-Surgery

Another note to myself, raiding until 1AM is somewhat bad for a restful night of sleep.  My morning blood pressure measurement sort of bear witness to that.

So today is the company picnic.  Took the smallest slice of the BBQ chicken, and tried to scrape off as much sauce as I can.  Took some potato salad, which I know I can digest.  Eating a whole hot dog is probably not a good idea.  Currently, I'm still having difficulty judging when I'm full, which is odd, since I think I got the sensation of hunger back.

Since I started this blog on Day 38, I should tried to back fill a bit of my progress.

My surgery took place on Monday 08-09-2010.  My measurement journal actually started on 08-07-2010, just prior to the 2 day clear liquid bowel preparation.  My weight at that time is 328lb.  Amazingly enough, 2 days of clear liquid cleared almost 9lb off me.  Thus, my day of surgery weight is 317.6lb.

138/98/77 290.0lb 91mg/DL

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