Friday, March 14, 2014

Day 1311 - Mists of Pandarian Day 532

For a change, I didn't send anyone to LFR today.  I had to concentrate on gearing up my new warrior tank, which means scrounging up all of the Timeless plate pieces for both specs to that toon.  Doing the daily quest mob on these gear is problematic, especially since my default gear set is protection warrior, which means my dps is woefully low.  I did managed to do both Ordos and Celestial weekly quest, didn't get anything, but I wasn't expecting anything.

I'm not sure about starting the Legendary quest, as there is a whole lot of steps involved.  Good thing that most of my toons don't really need gears for their main spec, so I will have plenty of time to run the warrior tank through LFR.  The bad news is that she will probably need to mine and craft her way through her profession.  At least I got 6 months to do that.

114/73/61 90 mg/DL 184.4lb

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