Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 185 - Still Sick

As the title mentioned, I'm still sick.  My right lung still feel reduced capacity.  So I'll go through with my anti-biotic treatment and hope for a quicker recovery.  My measurement this morning is still weird.  My blood pressure, which has been up for the past couple of days due to the cold is doing a bit better than yesterday.  I had rice and saute spinach for dinner last night, and my blood sugar level is actually really low. 

In yesterday's surgical follow up, my surgeon is pleased with my progress.  I had my lean body mass measured by InBody 520 Body Composition Analyzer, a bioelectrical impedance analysis machine.  I had one of these measurement done months ago, but I didn't ask for a copy of the measurement.  According to the machine, I should loose another 73 pounds, which is actually less than my own goal target.

121/80/65 225.2lb 85 mg/DL

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