Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 296 - Dizziness Update

It's been almost 2 weeks since the onset of my dizziness spell.  The situation have improved somewhat, now that I know what not to do to trigger it.  I know it's mainly my left side of inner ear balancing mechanism that's messed up, and I have a suspicion on why that is.  With me not wanting to take motion sickness drug (drowsiness), I guess I'll have to tough it out.

Blizzard push out the Winged Guardian mount on their store yesterday.  Of course, I snag it up for all of my toons.  No point in not getting it.  Now just waiting for patch 4.2 to get 4 more pets.

We did a comparison check on the glucose meter this morning, and it would appear that my machine is consistently 10 points higher than my father's meter.  So the numbers the rest of my family puts up is actually worse than it is, or my number is better.

112/77/74 199.8lb 105 mg/DL

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