Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 72 - Plateau

So, my weight have been in a holding position since Sunday.  3 days of approximately no changes.

On hydration front, I went ahead and bought a  pallet of Arrowhead 1 pint bottle water.  Of which, I've used exactly 1.  The bottle is of size that's sufficiently close to what Crystal Light want to use (16.9oz).  It also works much better than the 12oz variety that my brother bought with a cap that can be operated single handed.  Thus far, I drink the bottle, rinse it, and refilled it with either the office bottle water or home filter/boiled water.  I'm supposed to drink 4 of these bottles a day.  Something I found amazing.

Another sign of weight loss is the relationship between my abdomen and other objects.  Back in my full weight days, I hate getting seated in a booth.  The table will inevitably hit my lower body, and I felt trapped.  Sitting in booth isn't as much of a problem as it used to be.  Likewise, the relationship between that part of my body and the steering wheel.  I've already set my seat as far back as it will go, and yet, my tummy is always in danger of hitting the wheel.  I have now at least 6 inches of clearance.
134/93/71 274.6lb 95 mg/DL

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